The Assembly of Confindustria Alto Adriatico

The Assembly of Confindustria Alto Adriatico

The Assembly of Confindustria Alto Adriatico, titled ‘The Future World,’ held in March 2023 at the TCC premises, was, in line with tradition, attended by thousands of entrepreneurs and public, as well as political, military, and civilian authorities. In this special edition, moreover, the audience unusually included students, highlighting the emphasis placed on the realms of Education and Training. The objective was, indeed, to engage the youth in observing the entrepreneurial system, thereby facilitating direct reflections and well-founded appeals based on real and authentic contexts.

Over 1700 participants were welcomed in the Auditorium for the Assembly, later converging in the foyer for a coffee break, and concluding the morning session with a light lunch organized by catering services, before heading to TCC’s terrace to enjoy the  first sun rays of the Spring.

For the occasion, the Auditorium’s backstage was equipped with all the necessary amenities for the staff involved in the organization, while dedicated spaces and setups were provided for the press and private discussions in the more secluded rooms on the upper floor.

  • Date : 27/3/2023

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